MAHS Membership - You're Invited!

Membership in the Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society (MAHS) is open to all persons interested in maritime history or archaeology whether or not they are divers. Members of MAHS have first preference for enrollment in all courses and other activities and projects of the Society.
Membership is determined in accordance with Article 2, Section 1 of the MAHS bylaws which provides for two classes of members, Active and Honorary. Active Members are persons who have applied for membership and have been accepted by the Board of Directors; paid their annual dues or are not more than ninety (90) days in arrears in payment of annual dues or other authorized costs and assessments; and have executed the Statement of Ethics. Honorary Members are those who have been awarded complimentary membership by the Board of Directors for their valuable contributions to maritime archaeology. Honorary Members are not required to pay dues; shall have no vote on matters of corporate policy; and will not be required to execute a Statement of Ethics.
MAHS membership includes a subscription to MAHSMail, our email contact list for news and current events, and a subscription to MAHSNEWS, the official bi-annual newsletter of MAHS.
Membership Application and Annual Dues
Annual Membership dues for Active Members are as follows: