MAHS Meets Bi-Monthly - You're invited!
MAHS 37th Annual Introductory Course in Underwater Archaeology
MAHS is pleased to announce the 37th annual Introductory Course in Underwater Archaeology, scheduled to begin January 21, 2025.
The course is open to all interested parties, divers and non-divers alike and will be conducted by Zoom technology. See the course schedule
and registration form here for details.
Please check this website and keep an eye on MAHSmail for additional announcements.
Steven Anthony
MAHS P.O. Box 44382, L'Enfant Plaza, Washington, D.C 20026, (301) 419-8222
Back Issues
Selected back issues of MAHSNEWS, the official MAHS newsletter, have been placed on the web site in downloadable PDF format.
Click here or click on "Newsletter" in the navigation column to the left to access a list of available issues.
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